Table of Contents

  1. Enhance Your Rapid Risk Assessment with a Notion Template
  2. Why Notion?
  3. Key Features of the Notion Template
  4. How to Use the Notion Template
  5. Metadata
  6. Service Notes
  7. Data Dictionary
  8. Threat Scenarios
  9. Recommendations
  10. Follow the Risks
  11. How to Add the Template
  12. Conclusion

Enhance Your Rapid Risk Assessment with a Notion Template

In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, effective risk management tools are essential. Mozilla’s Rapid Risk Assessment (RRA) method is a robust framework for swiftly evaluating risks. While the current Google Docs version is functional, it lacks the flexibility and automation potential that modern users need. To address these limitations, I’ve created a Notion template that enhances the RRA method, making it more adaptable and user-friendly.

And trust me, you won’t want to miss out on this upgrade. It’s like swapping your flip phone for a smartphone—sure, the old one worked, but this is way cooler!

Why Notion?

Notion is like the Swiss Army knife of productivity tools—it’s got everything you need and a few things you didn’t even know you wanted. By transferring Mozilla’s RRA framework to Notion, you can:

  1. Add More Details: Notion’s database capabilities enable you to include comprehensive details for each risk element. Think of it as giving each risk a detailed resume.
  2. Automate Processes: Use Notion’s powerful database and relation functionalities to automate parts of the risk assessment process. Automation—because who has time for manual work?
  3. Collaborate Efficiently: Notion’s real-time collaboration features facilitate better teamwork compared to static documents. It’s like having your entire team in a digital war room, but with fewer coffee spills.

Key Features of the Notion Template

  1. Dynamic Risk Entries: Enter each risk as a database item with fields for detailed descriptions, potential impacts, mitigation strategies, and more. It’s like giving each risk its own LinkedIn profile.
  2. Automated Scoring: Automatically calculate risk scores based on predefined criteria, reducing manual errors and saving time. Because nothing says “I’ve got my act together” like a well-calculated risk score.
  3. Visual Dashboards: Create visual dashboards that provide an at-a-glance view of risk levels, statuses, and mitigation progress. Think of it as your personal risk assessment Instagram feed—minus the cat photos.
  4. Collaboration Tools: Comment, assign tasks, and track changes in real-time, enhancing team collaboration and accountability. No more “I thought you were handling that!” moments.

How to Use the Notion Template

Once you’ve imported the template and created a new item in your Notion workspace, you’re ready to go. It’s as simple as setting up a new social media account but way more productive. Let’s dive in with a practical example to fill out the Rapid Risk Assessment (RRA) template for a company blog:


The Metadata section sets the basic information about the risk assessment and identifies the people involved. This helps prioritize and classify the risk assessment. Think of it as the “about us” page for your risk assessment.

  • Service Owner(s): Alex Johnson, Marketing Manager
  • Owner’s Director: Emily Roberts, VP of Marketing
  • Service Data Classification: PUBLIC
  • Highest Risk Impact: MEDIUM

Service Notes

Answer these questions: How does the service work? Do we have diagrams, demos, examples? Is the service in production yet? Can we break this service down into components? It’s like playing 20 Questions, but with fewer yes/no answers.

  • Description: A public-facing blog showcasing company news, industry insights, and thought leadership articles, accessible by anyone on the internet.
  • Data Flow: Blog posts are written by employees, reviewed by editors, and published online. Users can leave comments.

Data Dictionary

Think of this section as identifying the data involved in the project. Visit this Mozilla page for more details. It’s like the glossary at the back of a textbook, but way more interesting.

  • Data Types:
    • Blog content (PUBLIC)
    • User comments (PUBLIC)
    • Employee information (INTERNAL)

Threat Scenarios

Consider confidentiality, integrity, and availability by imagining data disclosure, alteration, or inaccessibility events. Assess the impact on reputation, productivity, and finances, categorizing the fallout as low, medium, high, or maximum. This helps prioritize threats and develop a robust security strategy. Think of it as your digital “what-if” game.

  • Confidentiality: If internal drafts are leaked before publication, it may lead to competitive disadvantages.
    • Impact: LOW
  • Integrity: Unauthorized modifications of blog content could misrepresent the company’s views or spread misinformation.
    • Impact: MEDIUM
  • Availability: If the blog is down, it impacts the company’s online presence and engagement.
    • Impact: LOW


Here you will try to find solutions that you can implement to responde to risks about the project

  • Access Controls: Implement role-based access control for content management.
  • Regular Backups: Schedule regular backups to prevent data loss.
  • Monitoring and Alerts: Set up monitoring and alert systems for unauthorized access or changes. Because getting blindsided by a risk is the worst kind of surprise party.

Follow the Risks

After completing a risk assessment, it’s crucial to follow up diligently to identify, prioritize, and mitigate potential threats effectively. Proactive risk management minimizes the impact on the company. Regular monitoring and updating of the risk assessment help maintain security and integrity. It’s like flossing your teeth—easy to skip but super important!

How to Add the Template

Easy, go to the following Notion page and click add template.


Transitioning Mozilla’s Rapid Risk Assessment method to a Notion template provides significant enhancements in flexibility, automation, and collaboration. This Notion template is designed to make risk assessment more efficient and comprehensive, empowering teams to manage risks effectively in a dynamic environment.

By adopting this Notion template, you can take full advantage of Notion’s capabilities to create a more powerful and user-friendly risk assessment tool. Explore the template, customize it to your needs, and enhance your risk management processes today. Because when it comes to managing risks, why settle for good when you can have awesome?