Network Basics

OSI Model

Application β†’ Deals with applications, people still can read this ( http, ftp )

Prestation (translation ) β†’ Here the data is being converted into a form that can be sent over network ( compression, deCompression , encryption, decryption )

Session β†’ Controls dialog during communication ( establish, manage, and terminate ) communications

Transport β†’ Transfer data between end users responsible of resending any packets that do not receive an acknowledgment ( can guaranteed that data is received )

Network β†’ Routing the data packet based on the IP

DataLink β†’ Send Data to thee physical layer ( data packets are encoded or decoded into bits and got two parts MAC Media access Control and LLC Logical Link Control )

Physical β†’ Define the topology of a network


Consist of Two Parts

1 - Network address

2 - Host address


32 bits means 4 octets of 8 bits

1 octet β†’ 8 bits


128-bit hexadΓ©cimal adress

to convert you to go 4 bits by 4 bits


get how many bits in the network are used for the network by masking the network part of the ip

A β†’ ( 1 - 128 ) β†’ / 8

B β†’ ( 128 - 191 ) β†’ / 16

C β†’ ( 192 - 223 ) β†’ /24

Usefull formulas

To find the number of possible network ids use

2^numbeOfNetworkBits - 2

To find the number of possible host ids use

2^numberOfHostsBits - 2

UseFull Video

How to calculate the total number of the usable host IDs?


Useful Links :


Dynamic IP Adress

they come from DHCP SERVER ( Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol )

if the pc can’t reach thee server or the server goes down it will assign it self an address

Static IP

Manual IP assigning

DHCP gives ip addresses as lease mean that they will change

if the dhcp server and the machine are not in the same subnet ( means they have different ip settings ) the dhcp server will not get the request cause broadcast doesn’t go outside of their subnets.

that why we use a dhcp relay enable option that way the request will be forwarded to the the dhcp server


tcp β†’ transmission control protocol

udp β†’ user datagram protocol

is connectionless mean that there is no 3 way handshake and it just spam data as fast as possible


ftp β†’ File transport protocol

download and upload files between users

its a connection oriented protocol that uses TCP for file transfer


tftp β†’ trivial file transport protocol

used to transfer file inside the network and not the internet

and use udp


sftp β†’ secure file transfer protocol

its like ftp and it uses another layer of security means data is encrypted during data transfer using secure shell


smtp β†’ simple mail transfer protocol

sends mails and uses tcp protocol


is used to receive emails you an only use it download mails on your computer but it doesn’t sync your data and when you do that the email is removed from your mail server unless you say you want to keep a copy


ima4p β†’ internet message access protocol ver 4

it gives you power over your mail server mean you will be able to read and manage your mails and it will also create a copy of your mail automatically and it will also syncs email and folders between the mail server and your computer


http β†’ hypertext transfer protocol

used in webserver to load webpages


is a secure version of http it will just encrypt the data


used to access devices but its not secure that way it used only in local network devices


ssh β†’ secure shell

cause it encrypt data while sending it create like shell around the connection to to protect the data


arp β†’ address resolution protocol

used to resolve ip address to mac address

that what is used by computers to communicate with each other

by checking the cache arp the computer will go look for the matching ip address if not found it will send a request looking for the one with that same address if its found the computer will inform the sender of it presence


reverse ARP convert mac to IP


scp β†’ secure copy protocol

uses secure shell protocol to safeguard data as it being transferred over a network


snmp β†’ simple network management protocol

used to collect data from network devices


got two protocols TCP/UDP

logical connection that is used by programs to exchange informations

port are identified by unique numbers

0 β†’ 65535


dns β†’ domain name system

resolve domain name to ip adresses

there is also WINS but it resolves computer names to ip address


nat β†’ network address translation

translate a set of ip addresses to another set of ip addresses

for example form private to public or from public to private


pat β†’ port address translation

like nat but it also use the port number


static nat

it give computers a permanent public ip addresses

this used for example for mail servers


used for cashing data from the internet one use example of this is when a company use this techno to store webpages visited by employees so that the next time an employee visit that page again it load that cached page a proxy can be used also for other things



Bandwidth :

The maximum amount of data transmitted over an internet connection in a given amount of time.



rdp β†’ remote desktop protocol


csma/cd = Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection

allow computer to sense if the wire is free before sending if not it waits

mostly used on wireless networks

it will first send aa small packet of data to check if everything is free before sending

Loopback interface


Routing table

contains information about what path the data takes to reach it destination

Routing protocols

collect information about the network and map the best path to transfer data

there is 3 types

Distance vector : factor distance based on how many hops

when of the those protocols is called rip ( routing information protocol ) routers that use it broadcast their information every 30 sec

but ripv2 is better cause it solve the problem of broadcast problem

there is also bgp ( border gateaway protocol ) and its the standard routing protocol of the internet

it determines path direction based on paths and policies

LinkState :

routing protocol that is used by routers to share information and independently map out the best path on the network .

OSPF β†’ open shortest path first

a routing protocol that is used to determine the correct rout for data packet to take for their destination

it collect information from other routers using IP and create a topology map of the network

IS-IS β†’ intermediate system to intermediate system

Routers are organized into a domain means groups and IS-IS functions inside those domains but this service use clns ( connectionless network service ) to communicate with other routers

Hybrid :

EIGRP β†’ Enhanced interior gate-away routing protocol and as the name say it

it’s combination of Distance vector and LinkState and only runs on cisco routers

fast, less overhead can support many network layer protocols


sip β†’ session initiation protocol

Establishes communication session over the internet.

example :

VoiP ( voice over IP)

term that used for voice communication over ip networks

also used for instant messaging and conferencing services


rtp β†’ real time transport protocol

the internet standard for transporting real-time data such as streaming audio and video

it used over udp so it doesn’t guarnte data delivery

used also with RTCP β†’ real time transport protocol and that enable you to monitor the quality of the data being delivered

uses both unicast and multicast


isdn β†’ integrated service digital network

International standard foor digital transmission over odinary telephone lines

T1 ( europe is E1)

t1 β†’ T carrier level one

commonly used internet service for business today

carries data or voice


t3 β†’ T carrier level three

mainly used by ISP ( internet service providers ) and they are connected directly to the internet


OCx β†’ optical carrier

Describes the speed of networks that can be carried on SONET ( Synchronous Optical Network )


dsl β†’ digital subscribier line

it can carriers voice and data at the same time


adsl β†’ asymmetric digital subscribier line

download speed > upload speed


sdsl β†’ symmetric digital subscribier line

download speed == upload speed


vdsl β†’ very high bit dsl

Remote access services


ras β†’ remote access service

service that enable you to connect to a computer from a remote location


slip β†’ serial line internet protocol

Designed so data can transmit over serial ports and modem connections

Doesn’t support encryption or authentication

all information are sent in clear text

does not provide and error checking limited to using only tcp/ip


ppp β†’ point-to-point protocol

the standard remote access used today

support encryption or authentication

is secure


pppoe β†’ point-to-point protocol over ethernet

uses PPP over ethernet

used to encapsulate PPP frames in ehternet frames

Developed for DSL, cable modem, or wireless connection to the internet

used also to connect multiple users on LAN to a remote site sharing a common device


pptp β†’ point to point tunnelling protocol

used for creating vpns

ensure that data transfer is secure by creating a secure tunnel


gre β†’ generic route encapsulation

used with pptp in creation of a VPN network

create the tunnel in PPTP

Encapsulates the data in secure manner


vpn β†’ virtual private network

a private communication network that uses public network to establish a remote connection

encrypt data when sending decrypt data when receiving

provide a link btw two points over the internet

vpn concentrator a device that create the vpn connection and manages the delivery of the messages btw the vpn computer devices

authentiate users encrypt the data and assign tunnel/ip adresses to users

not always needed only in cases of managing a lot of vpn connections


  • SITE TO SITE β†’ connection between two organisations
  • HOST TO SITE β†’ connection between simple computer and organisations
  • HOST TO HOST β†’ connection between two computers



pap β†’ password authentication protocol

not safe everything is sent in clear text


chap β†’ challenge hand shake protocol

Encrypt username and password

uses 3 way handshake

the server send a challenge to the client the client will use the hash it got and send a response back then the server will check using his hash and if the value matchs its all good


ms-chap is also CHAP but by microsoft

ms-chap 2 both client and server are authenticated means they challenge each other


radius β†’ remote authentication dial-in service

enable a single server such as domain controller to handle all authentications

enable an organisation to store all user related to data to one place

a radius server makes the request on the user’s behalf after authentication


Developed by mit and it give users tickets that makes them able to access devices on the network


eap β†’ extensible authentication protocol

is an extension to PPP support many methods of authentication

commonly associated with smart cards

Security protocol


Ipsec β†’ internet protocol security

Encrypt data

there is key that locks and unlocks the data while it travel through a network

it got two modes :

  • Transport mode β†’ message portion is encrypted
  • Tunnel Mode β†’ entire packet is encrypted


l2tp β†’ layer 2 tunneling protocol

Combination of Cisco’s layer 2 forwarding and PPTP

it authenticate both the computer and the user using a digital certificate to insure that the data wasn’t change during the process

to prevent man in middle attacks


ssl β†’ secure socket layer

It’s a protocol that provide security on the internet

Provides security in 3 ways :

  • Authenticate the server
  • Authenticate the client
  • Encrypt the data


tls β†’ the latest industry standard SSL protocol it authenticate the server and the client and encrypt the data

Made up of 2 layers :

  • TLS Record Protocol β†’ Makes the connection is private and reliable
  • TLS Handshake Protocol β†’ Server and client can negotiate encryption algorithm and cryptography keys before the data is sent main reason why SSL,of messages%2C and encryption strengths.


Used for both wired and wireless networks

Control network access by word

Port based authentication

Network Utils

